Eartha Kitt was and forever will be a national treasure, and her portrayal of Vexus and especially Yzma proves it.
Great Work
Eartha Kitt was and forever will be a national treasure, and her portrayal of Vexus and especially Yzma proves it.
Great Work
Love the Knuckles in the middle, him in a punching pose is always great to see. As well as having it incorporated onto the border of his portrait.
. . .
Love the sketchy line art, it looks sharp and rough from a distance, but when you get close it has a more softness to it. Kind of like a certain character... also that gun with the speed loader, came out great!
Anyway, Vash is cool and so is this piece.
A bike built for speed, style and combat? Yeah, that's awesome. I can imagine one drifting to become a laser wheel.
Love how the bike and the rider have this overall early blocky 3D model look, to really give it some edge.
These colors remind me a hell of a lot of the PS2 Ultimate Spider-Man game, but that might just be a coincidence. Either way great work, shadows on Spidey's suit is always a treat.
With how the colors are layered as well as the look of the outline, I can imagine this as being street art somewhere in Sinnoh. Great work!
Also, no worries, we've all done that at least once to then later regret it.
DUDE!!! I mean mighty Monarch.
Always loved seeing any pair up between any of these four with one another. I wonder what games those two chuckle heads loved playing on the PlayStation.
¡No contaban con mi astucia!
If I had this on a black sweater, I would be genuinely become sad when cracks began to form due to my inability to properly dry my clothes.
Absolutely AMAZING work.
MAN I gotta start selling sweaters now!
Thanks so much yo! I appreciate that a lot!!!
OK, this right here is a great redraw for a couple of reasons.
1. Love that you added the more robotic looking text box, always a treat when someone uses that.
2. The emphasis on Metal Sonic's red eye glare makes for a more menacing glare, enhancing his overall presence.
3. The way Sonic's body is shown to have slight movements made such as having his legs move seemingly in a circular pattern as if he's kicking the air in a struggle to his quills curving in a downward motion from being held up, as well as showing a bit more concern in his expression.
And finally...
4. The background being fleshed out with more dust and dirt being blown from the deck of the ship as hard wind is blowing up from the gigantic fans, and oh yeah, the fact that Metal is literally holding Sonic up to the air!
I like to draw things I like, but never really find the time to do so.
Escondido California
Joined on 2/23/22